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Make 2023 the best year

December 28, 2022

While we are in the happy ending of 2022, it is time to create new plans and resolutions with new energy.

How do you want to kick-start your new year 2023?

Here we bring some magical ways to make 2023 the best transformational year in your life personally and professionally.

You can transform a journey with an open mind to introspection via difficult conversations with yourself. Doing so makes your mind overcome the challenges and turn 2023 into the best year in your life.

Begin to actualize 2023-

1. Start with an honest Self-assessment: Health, wealth, and relationships are three pinnacles of goal setting as they’re interdependent. So, start by comparing yourself to 5 years until the end of 2022.

  • Were you healthy mentally and physically then?
  • Were there any health issues?
  • Is there any improvement in your income generation from then to now?
  • Can you fill most of your and the needs of your loved one?
  • What did you do to make your relationships healthy?
  • Who were the people you trusted then and now, and how well do you know each other?
  • What were your primary goals, desires, and needs, and can you fill them all or at least 80% by now?
  • Did you practice any relaxing and mindful practices to handle difficult times then and now?
  • Were you aware of your life’s purpose then, and are you living every moment now with the same purpose?

After this self-assessment, it is common to realize that you were a different person five years ago, and today, you became a better person with the lessons you learned through hardships in life.
Your health defines your mental and physical capabilities to generate wealth and maintain relationships.

Your wealth defines how progressive you’re in your career and your financial discipline to care for yourself and your family with the necessary funds for healthcare, emergencies, education, future, loans, savings, luxuries, and others.

Your relationships define what you see in a person and on what basis you treat fellow humans. In these five years, you learnt a lot from multiple types of relationships to safeguard your peace and mental health. However, to fuel your relationships and care for your loved ones, you should primarily stay conscious of your health and wealth.

These three factors are interdependent and critical to overcoming challenges in achieving your goals. So, be honest while taking the self-assessment to become a better version of yourself in 2023, finding a harmony of all these three pinnacles of goal setting.

2. Honest evaluation of 2022: It is wise to know what worked; did not work for you in 2022. Understand the critical drivers for success, practical reasons, and root causes for the failures and plan to overcome these challenges in achieving these goals in 2023. Also, plan alternatives in your approach to avoid obstacles in your progress.

3. Empower others and self-empower yourself: You may be particular about certain things, but it is appreciated if you take a moment to praise someone for doing a good job, even if they’re beyond or not nearer to your expectations. Behave assertively with your teammates, family, and friends to either get it done your way, accept it the way it is, or change it the way you want it to be. You know your strengths and weaknesses. Never let your beliefs suppress your potential or others. Come out of your comfort zone to say No when you need to. It is okay to become uncomfortable for a while.

4. Plan long-term success: You should live with contentment. Now, it’s time to commit to your life by making life-changing new year’s resolutions with a shift in mindset. Read our ideas to accomplish new year resolutions with a shift in mindset here to become successful in 2023 and beyond.

5. Take complete charge of your life: Manage your time wisely in 2023 by planning focus hours on self-care, upskilling, investment planning, wealth management, meditation, and other mindful practices along with the daily routine. Start setting smaller goals and milestones to achieve long-range and life-transforming goals. Practice the attitude of gratitude by being grateful for what you’ve got in life. Say goodbye to meaningless matters and start focusing more on your actions. Always remember that you’re the result of your actions and decisions. So, take charge of your life in 2023 and live your dream life for the rest of your life.

To conclude, you can make 2023 the most transformational year in your life and be happy for the rest of your life if you follow all the mentioned practices. At Dextara, we care for our people and community. Hence, we keep sharing tips with our Dextarans on how to master life with consciousness through our Learning & Development initiatives and newsletters. The Dextara team wishes you all a wonderful and successful new year 2023.

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