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Salesforce upgrades Dextara Digital partner level based on the High Value Partner Score

October 19, 2021

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the workspaces were filled with people’s smiles and handshakes, and Hugs were more common to greet each other. An abrupt lockdown has changed everything, be it the warmth in the hug, greeting with a handshake, or confidence in a smile. The coffee time with peers, day out at work, conference hall meetings, and team gatherings suddenly became a big NO.

Many organizations began working remotely; virtual onboarding became a new norm. However, with the reduction in Covid-19 infections, few organizations have started to crawl back to normalcy. Thus, businesses like ours are trying to preserve culture and collaboration despite many socio-economic and health-related concerns. In this scenario, what will be a post-pandemic work environment look like?

Let’s understand

Employee-first policy. Be patient and plan well:

Planning a phased reopening strategy provides the employees with flexibility besides balancing work and home. Because greater flexibility can improve productivity and work-life balance

Productivity is the priority. However, find the balance for collaboration too:
Employees who work remotely show more productivity than those who work in an office setting. According to a study, an individual who works remotely is 47% more productive on average. At the same time, adding collaboration with the flexible working model is vital to keep a healthy balance between professional and personal life. Make sure your employees are healthy, organized, comfortable, productive, and effective as per company standards.

Run Digital; Turn Global!

Earlier, leveraging digital transformation was nice, but now it is MUST. Now, most businesses use digital tools, omnichannel strategies, data-driven procedures, and decision-making insights to thrive in this virtual work environment. In addition, the use of the Salesforce platform and apps like Salesforce Anywhere has made the teams’ real-time collaboration effective in a new way by enabling them to collaborate, sell, market, and serve anywhere.

Health and hygiene are MUST:

Companies must consider people’s mixed emotions on precautions and health warnings while working from the office. Practicing safety measures and counseling sessions at the office improves employees’ office availability.

Innovate Human Engagement:

Making Human connections at work is the priority. Organizations should be more aggressive in embracing coaching and training for positive employee engagement and find innovative mechanisms to elevate human engagement from formal and informal meet-ups to bringing the culture of togetherness so that employees have stories to tell about their association with the organization.

Continuous Learning:

Today, we see many people lose their jobs. One way to avoid falling into that trap is to upskill the employees with emerging technologies and make them capable of withstanding challenging times like the recent pandemic. Companies need to invest in skills like AI, Machine learning, Data Science, etc., that can help employees become more skillful. For instance, on Salesforce’s Trailhead, anyone can learn in-demand skills and learn different platforms.

The above measures have boosted our employees’ productivity, employability, and capability. At Dextara, we preserve our culture with LEAD (L-Leadership, E-Empathy, A-Accountability, D-Diversity). The vision is to connect people and build better tomorrow. In this process, we support our teams to become the best versions of themselves personally or professionally. We keep expanding our business with new talent. Mail your CV to our Talent Acquisition team if you like our culture and wish to join us!

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